(2) Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz church: c/Mateos Gago, Sevilla.
  Mon-Sun 9:30-11:00 + 19:00-21:00.
  Free Entrance.
Photos:    Santa Cruz church
 Patio of Santa Cruz church
 Interior of Santa Cruz church
 Plaza in Cruzes street
 Plaza de la Alianza
 Judería street

Santa Cruz church of Seville was originally located at the Plaza de Santa Cruz. It was destroyed by the French in 1811 and therefore moved to the former church of the Clérigos Regulares Menores del Espíritu Santo, where it is located today. The building of the church started in 1665 by the architect José Tirado in Baroque style. The church was completed in 1728.

Santa Cruz church has been strongly renovated in 1840, and later the  Façade of Mateos Gago street in 1929. If you want to to get an idea of the original building, enter from Ximénez de Enciso street through a tiny  Patio.

- Stmo. Cristo de las Misericordias (christ) by Pedro Roldán from between 1670 and 1682
- altar of Sta. Ana by Bernardo Simón de Pineda from 1672, painted by Valdés Leal
- painting of Niño Jesús del Sagrario by Valdés Leal
- sculpture of Sta. Ana by Pedro Roldán

The church is located in the famous Barrio de Santa Cruz, which was once the "new" Jewish quarter of Seville.
Its actual appearance with typical Sevillian style patios,  Narrow Streets and  Picturesque Plazas dates back to the beginning of the 20th century.

Leave the Santa Cruz quarter through the  Judería street which opens into the Patio de las Banderas of the (3) Alcazar.

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