Exchange rate:
The fixed exchange rate of Pesetas to Euro is: 166,4 Ptas. = 1 Euro
From 1.1.2002 to 30.3.2002 both currencies were used. Then the Peseta disappeared. However, for large amounts you may still hear prices
in pesetas.
Use a
Currency Converter
to convert the Euro to your local currency.
Money exchange:
Exchange cash at a bank. Currency exchange offices are available at generally higher rates.
Always take into consideration exchange rate and commission.
During the afternoon or week-ends money exchange can be done at large hotels.
Cash machines (ATMs):
ATMs accept common debit or credit cards (VISA, MASTERCARD). In general ATMs offer the best rates and are the most convenient method to get Euros.
In our experience almost all use a 4 digit PIN. (Don't forget your PIN number!).
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Be patient at banks in Seville. Few bank clerks are available, so queues at cash counters can be large.
Business Hours
Monday-Friday: 8:30-14:00 hours
Saturday: 8:30-13:00 hours
(In summer time - May-September - banks are closed on Saturday)
The largest Spanish bank is the Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA).
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Major credit cards are widely accepted at hotels and shops. Visa and Mastercard are most often accepted, while many merchants and accommodations may not accept American Express.
Common commissions are 2-4%. Sometimes shop owners invent excuses to avoid credit card payments.
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