
Santa Catalina church

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LocationPza. Ponce de León, Seville (see map)
Telephone (34)
Opening hours Currently closed for renovations
Admission fee Free
Official website   

Santa Catalina church of Seville was built in 14th century on the remains of the former mosque. It is in Gothic-Mudéjar style, however it has been strongly renovated over the years.

Santa Catalina church

In 1929 the Gothic entrance of Santa Lucía church was moved to Santa Catalina. The result is a second door in front of the hidden original one, which is in Mudéjar style.

Second entrance door

Inside find interesting artwork:
- Mudéjar style ceiling
- retablo mayor from 1624-1629 by Diego López Bueno
- Stmo. Cristo (christ) de la Exaltación by Pedro Roldán from 1687
- Capilla Sacramental in baroque style by Leonardo de Figueroa from 1721
- Baroque retablo with painting of S. Pedro, by Pedro de Campaña from 1560


Located in the Santa Catalina quarter about 3 - 5 minutes from the Plaza de la Encarnación.

See the monument on interactive map

Another example of recycling of former buildings you will find in the nearby Columnas de Hercules.

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