Location: | Avda. de Extremadura, 2 (Santiponce) |
Opening hours: | Tue-Sat: 9:00-17:30 Sun, Holidays 10:00-16:00 |
Birthplace of Roman emperors Trajan and Adrian, Italica is a 15 minute bus ride from Seville in the pueblo of Santiponce.
The amphitheater is the most important site of the ruins.
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Reales Atarazanas
Location: | C/ Temprado (Arenal) |
Opening hours: | Tue-Sat 10:00-14:00, 16:00-18:00, Sun 10:00-13:00
Located next door to the Hospital de La Caridad the Royal Shipyards used to house munitions and artillery for the Spanish Navy.
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Palacio de Lebrija
Located in the shopping district on calle Cuna, the Palacio de Lebrija is a 16th century palace which holds a very impressive collection of Roman mosaics from the nearby ruins of Italica.
It is one of the few places in the world where you can actually walk on top of some of the mosaics, just as the Romans did!
The excellent condition of the house is due to the extensive renovation work of Doña Regla Manjón Mergelina, the Countess of Lebrija in the early 20th century.
She was a world traveler as well as a dedicated collector as the house indicates in it's displays of pieces from as far away as Mexico and the far east.
Other sections of the house such as portions of the ceiling and a mahogany banister come from nearby churches and palaces in Andalucia.
Thanks to her work many of the Roman mosaics discovered around Italica have been preserved.
Archivo de Indias
Located in the heart of Santa Cruz, construction of the building began during the early baroque period in Seville in 1676.
Begun by architect Juan Domínguez, it was eventually completed in 1697 by Leonardo de Figueroa.
The most impressive part is the church. entirely painted - walls and roof - with figures by Valdés Leal (and his son Lucas Valdés).
Sculptures of St. Peter and St. Ferdinand by Pedro Roldán are at the foot of the nave beneath the choir, as well as altarpieces by Juan de Oviedo, and the pulpit of wood and marble by Francisco de Barahona.
This is a nice Sunday afternoon visit when the entrance is free.
Palacio Arzobispal
Located at the foot of the Giralda tower in the center of the historic district.
The Archbishop's Palace is an 18th century casa-palacio which is home to the Sevillian clergy and Archbishop Carlos Amigo.
While you can only get a glimpse of the patio from the main gate, if you were to venture further inside you would see important works by Murillo and other painters.
If you hang around long enough you may even get to see Carlos Amigo as he leaves for an afternoon stroll.
I always like to think he's heading for a beer and tapas at Las Columnas.
Hospital de las 5 Llagas
Located just outside the old city walls and opposite the Macarena Church, the Hospital de las 5 Llagas was in ruins some 15 years ago.
Now completely renovated with a nice open garden in front, this Renaissance building constructed in the 16th century is now the home of the Andalusian Parliament.
For general entrance it is open to the public only two days per year, surrounding February 28th and the official holiday of Andalucia Day (Día de Andalucia).
Otherwise appointments can be made for groups or individuals in advance by calling ahead for the details.
More information for visits can also be found on this page.
El Postigo
Located in the Arenal neighborhood and known simply as "El Postigo" to most sevillanos, the gate of the old city walls was once known as "El Positgo del Aceite".
It was through this gate that shipments of oil from the river entered into the city.
The original gate date back to the time of Ben Yusuf, but was later renovated in the 16th century by architect Benvenuto Tortello.
The work of Pedro Roldán can be seen in the very small 18th century chapel just next to the arch featuring his baroque style altar piece.
Palacio de San Telmo
Located just outside the Puerta Jerez behind the Hotel Alfonso XIII, The Palacio de San Telmo was first commissioned as a university in 1685.
Undergoing several changes in purpose, from Naval College to residence of a noble family, the Palacio de San Telmo, like so many others, is now home to government offices and the presidency of the Andalusian Parliament.
When renovated by the Dukes of Montpensier, the northern facade of the building was erected complete with statues of famous figures in Sevillian history.
We have been informed that the visits, by appointment only, have now been suspended for several years as renovations will be underway soon.
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