
Archaeologic Museum

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LocationPlaza de América s/n, Seville (see map)
Telephone954 786 474
Opening hoursTue (14:30-20:30); Wed-Sat (9-20:30); Sun (9-14:30). closed Mondays
Admission fee 1.50€
Official website

Since 1941 the former Pavilion of Fine Arts houses the Archaeological Museum of Seville. It was built between 1911 and 1919 in Neo-Renaissance style by Aníbal González for the Ibero-American exposition of 1929.

Inside the museum, the materials on display are ordered chronologically, dating back from Prehistoric, to Roman, to Arabic Art.

Prehistoric Art

Roman Art

Arabic Art

One of the most interesting pieces to be mentioned is a reproduction of the so-called Tesoro del Carambolo. (The original Carambolo Treasure is actually stored in a bank safe of the Banco de Santander in Tetuán street - for security reasons.)
The 21 golden pieces are an example of the Tartesic culture from the 5th century B.C.


Located in Parque Maria Luisa in the Plaza de America, which runs along the Avenida de la Palmera.

See the monument on interactive map

Now, cross the Plaza de America to visit the Museum of Popular Customs.

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